[English below]
Le elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti si avvicinano. Il risultato di queste elezioni potrebbe avere ripercussioni profonde sulle politiche interne ed estere degli Stati Uniti. Le forze conservatrici e di ultradestra statunitensi vedono le prossime elezioni presidenziali come una opportunità per tentare di implementare, in caso di vittoria dei repubblicani, politiche reazionarie e antidemocratiche che mirano a ridefinire l’assetto dello Stato ed i ruoli istituzionali dell’intero governo federale.
Il 2 ottobre alle 19:00 ci troveremo all’Oblomov in Lenaustraße 7 (12047) per approfondire questo tema. Juliet Schnabel ci parlerà di chi sono i candidati repubblicani, del cosiddetto Project 2025, delle figure politiche e non che hanno avuto un ruolo fondamentale nell’ascesa del Trumpismo e di altri argomenti relativi alle elezioni presidenziali. L’evento è organizzato da ANPI Berlino-Brandeburgo e da VVN-BdA Berlin e si terrà in lingua inglese.
Ecco una breve descrizione delle tematiche che verranno trattate da Juliet nel corso della serata:
PlutoTheoMonarchy – What Trump wants and who is paying for it
The US elections in november will not only decide who will be the next president, but also whether or not the USA will remain a constitutional democracy at all. We take a look at the networks behind Trump and his cronies, from his running mate J.D. Vance and “Project 2025” to lesser known groups and individuals who have influenced and financed the rise of trumpism in America, some of whom are also active in Europe. After learning more about their political goals, we will also discuss how Trump might try to become president, even if he loses the election.
Speriamo di vedervi numeros*!
Il Comitato di Sezione ANPI Berlino-Brandeburgo
The presidential election in the United States is approaching. The outcome of these elections could have profound repercussions on US domestic and foreign policies. US conservative and ultra-right forces see the upcoming presidential election as an opportunity to try to implement, should the Republicans win, reactionary and anti-democratic policies that aim to redefine the structure of the state and the institutional roles of the entire federal government.
On October 2nd at 7 p.m. we will meet at Oblomov in Lenaustraße 7 (12047) to explore this topic. Juliet Schnabel will tell us about the Republican candidates, the so-called Project 2025, political and non-political figures who played a key role in the rise of Trumpism, and other topics related to the presidential election. The event is organized by ANPI Berlin-Brandenburg and the VVN-BdA Berlin and will be held in English.
Here is a brief description of the topics that will be covered by Juliet during the evening:
PlutoTheoMonarchy – What Trump wants and who is paying for it
The US elections in november will not only decide who will be the next president, but also whether or not the USA will remain a constitutional democracy at all. We take a look at the networks behind Trump and his cronies, from his running mate J.D. Vance and “Project 2025” to lesser known groups and individuals who have influenced and financed the rise of trumpism in America, some of whom are also active in Europe. After learning more about their political goals, we will also discuss how Trump might try to become president, even if he loses the election.
We look forward to seeing you!
ANPI Committee of Berlin-Brandenburg